Monthly Archives: November 2013

Friday 29 Nov 2013

1) Front Squat: Establish a 1RM

Take 20-30 minutes to establish a 1RM Front Squat. Take as many attempts as needed. Rest as needed.

2) 4 rounds for Max Reps:
40 seconds Pull-ups
20 seconds Rest
40 seconds Power Snatch 105lbs (Decent weight, something in the middle range)
20 seconds Rest
40 seconds Double-unders
20 seconds Rest

Sub for Double-unders is Single-unders.

Wednesday 27 November

EMOTM: Evey minute on the minute

Snatch: 1 Rep EMOTM for 15 minutes

Starting weight should be around 60% of your 1RM. Add weight each rep as deemed fit. All reps should be a full squat.

Clean and Jerk: 1 Rep Every 75 seconds for 12 sets

Starting weight should be around 60% of your 1RM. Add weight each rep as deemed fit. All reps should full Squat Clean and Split Jerk.

WOD 9 Minute AMRAP

Buy In:
50 Pushups (Chest to ground)
3 Tuck Jumps
3 Burpees

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Push Press: 5-5-5-5-5

Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets.

The 95 lbs is RX, if you cannot do RX, find a weight that is slightly heavy, but should be able to do the squats in sets of 5 or so. Front squats and shoulder to overhead are all from the ground, not from a rack

500m Row
20 Front Squats 95
20 Shoulder-to-Overhead 95
20 Front Squats 95
500m Row

Monday 25 November

as you start your break for Thanksgiving, time to remember we are now in our offseason program. I have spoken with many folks so far about the strength conditioning, and a good place to start is with your Crossfit total. It gives you a baseline for basic lifts, and you having this baseline helps with future workouts.
Warmup as needed. Do not just try to break your previous record. think about possibly having 3 or 4 weight increments until you start to hit that one round max.
Be sure to rest 90 secs in between your warmups, weight movement. Get your brain into it. Visualize that goal of beating your previous rep, and if you do not have a rep, get the max out of the lift.

1) “CrossFit Total”
Establish a 1RM Back Squat
Establish a 1 RM Strict Press
Establish a 1RM Deadlift